image credit: A Magazine
Thousands of people move house every year in the UK and most of them find the task to be mammoth and one that causes a great deal of worry, anxiety and stress. You can make the process of moving house a lot easier on yourself if you take some advice from people who know all about the ordeal and understand how to make it go as smoothly as possible.
image credit: Wikipedia
Use self-storage
Before moving house, it’s wise to decide which items you’re going to bring with you, which you want to dispose of and which you’d like to have put into storage. Make a note of this and call in the self-storage experts way before the removal van shows up. This way, you’ll have cleared the things that you don’t want to take with you to the new house. And so, by the time the movers come to collect your things, you can simply tell them to take everything. This way, the process is less confusing and time consuming.
image credit: The Guardian
Change your address in advance
According to long distance movers in Dallas, you should change your address well in advance of the moving day to avoid missing any mail. Some of the important ones to tell include your bank, place of work, utility companies, insurance companies, council tax office, doctor and dentist. You may want to change it on your favourite online stores too such as Amazon and eBay so that any deliveries you order will show up at the right address. Don’t forget to do the same with any subscriptions to which you’re signed up. To be on the safe side, you can pay the Post Office to redirect your mail to prevent anything going astray. This is a good idea because you can’t rely on the new residents at your previous home to forward it on to you or to keep hold of it for you to collect.
image credit: Ben W
Start packing early
According to the BBC, you should calculate how many boxes you need in advance so that you don’t run out halfway through packing. They also suggest that you ‘don’t completely fill large boxes, as they will be too heavy to move’ and that you should use sturdy packing boxes for heavy items in case the box falls through and damages your belongings. Packing early will ensure that you leave yourself plenty of time to get things sorted out before the move. The process of packing the contents of your entire house routinely takes far longer than anticipated. It’s a good idea to pack one room at a time and label each box so that the unpacking process will run a lot more smoothly.
image credit: Movers to Alaska
Pack a ‘moving day’ box
Pack a special box or boxes containing items you’ll probably need to access as soon as you get to your new place. Cleaning products, phone chargers, pet food – and don’t forget your kettle and tea & coffee making supplies!
image credit: Bicycle Buddha
Before the move
Before you move into your new home, it’s advised that you do a good sweep over the property. Give it a good clean and then make sure to check utility meters, take readings and make sure the electricity, gas, water, smoke detectors and such are in proper working order. Prime Location advises movers to contact your solicitor if you arrive at your new home and find that items that were included in the sale (curtains, carpets etc.) are not present. They also suggest that new residents should consider getting any door and window locks changed on your new property because ‘you never know who the previous owners may have given spare keys to in the past.’
Hopefully we’ve helped lessen the anxiety of your upcoming house move. Best of luck in your new home!
When we were packing up our boxes, we made lists of what went into every box, and organized them by what we needed most urgently, and what could wait a week or two in the storage unit. It made our moving day so much easier! I highly recommend it. And we also used colored packing tape to identify which room the boxes went in. Green for the living room, blue for the kitchen, red for the bedroom, orange for the bathroom, pink for our daughter’s room, and silver duct tape for the office!