You may remember that back in July we reviewed a selection of delicious Tracklements sauces, chutneys, jellies and more. We’ve teamed up with them again to offer two readers the chance to win a gift pack of Tracklements condiments.
The set consists of a 9 mini jar taster selection of some of their relishes, jams, marmalades and mustards. With Christmas just around the corner, this would make an ideal gift for a foodie in your life. It’s also perfect for the Christmas and Boxing day buffet table to accompany the hot & cold meats, cheese and pastry dishes.
In the image below, we’ve put together a selection of serving suggestions from Tracklements including cheese toastie, bloody Mary, cranberry tartlets and mozzarella and prosciutto foccacia.
Entering our comp is easy. Tell us, what are some of your favourite foods and tipples to enjoy over the Christmas period?
Gift pack of Tracklements condiments
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