Staying calm after the storm: What to do about storm damage

Staying calm after the storm: What to do about storm damage

There have been a fair few storms this year, with some of the most severe causing serious storm damage to homes and property. A storm is unpredictable, and until it’s over, you won’t know what you’re dealing with.

Storm damage comes in many forms, causing a lot of stress to families. As you get over the initial shock, you can get to work on repairing the damage and get your home back in order. Have a look at some of the ways you can assess and address the damage and find the calm after the storm.

Assess your damage

Once the storm has cleared, and it’s safe, you can start assessing damage to your home. Some of the most commonly affected areas include garden fences, roofs, windows and doors. Minor damage like broken garden furniture can be taken care of easily, but more significant damage will need further assessment by experts.

Consult your insurers

If your home requires some major repairs, then you should contact your insurers to make a claim. This can ease a lot of the stress that comes with dealing with storm damage, as they will likely take care of the repairs on your behalf. When claiming for storm damage, it’s important to be as detailed and organised as possible. Make detailed notes, keep track of costs and take plenty of photos. Your claim will be assessed by a loss adjuster before being passed onto the underwriter to decide if your claim is accepted or not.

Take care of the initial clean-up

You may need to wait for some of the repairs to be carried out, especially if you’re dealing with significant damage. However, for the minor damage, you can get to work straight away to clean it up. Clear any broken glass and debris and try to restore some semblance of order. You may find things look a lot less severe once you’ve cleared away some of the initial mess.

Bring in some help

The worst storm damage will likely need some professional help to repair. Leaks, damage to your garden and roof repair require experienced expert hands to ensure they’re repaired properly and prevent further damage. These works can take some time to be commenced and completed. This could mean you may need to move to temporary, alternative accommodation if the repairs are going to cause some inconvenience in your home – like a loss of water, for example. Depending on your policy, your insurance company could arrange this for you.

Avoid attempting to fix major damage yourself, you could injure yourself or make things worse. Dealing with storm damage can be frustrating, especially if you’re concerned about the financial cost of your repairs. But assessing the damage immediately and taking action can help you get things taken care of more swiftly, so you can get back to normality. Preparing your home against future storms could help you avoid further damage to your home, helping you feel more confident the next time there’s a severe weather warning.


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