Price Points: Ladies winter pyjamas

Ladies winter pyjamas | H is for Home

I’ve been on the lookout for some new pyjamas however, I have a few prerequisites that need to be ticked to find the perfect set.

I must toss & turn a fair amount, as I wake up numerous times per night with my sleepwear all uncomfortably twisted and riding up my limbs. Cuffs at the ankles and wrists stop this phenomenon occurring, so that’s my first necessity.

Secondly, I love to be really, really toasty at night; our dual-temperature electric blanket is a godsend. I like my bedclothes to be made of soft, warm, breathable fabric such as fleece, flannelette, French terry or brushed cotton.

Lastly, but connected to my previous point, winter pyjamas need to be long-sleeved and long-legged to give maximum warmth coverage. I’m not averse to the once ubiquitous onesie (with hood would be a bonus), I’m blessed with a strong bladder so rarely need to go to the loo during the night!

Here are the three ladies winter pyjamas that have topped my very pernickety list:

  1. Weston soft onesie, grey marl: £15.00, FatFace
  2. Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set: £30.00, ASOS
  3. hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl: £69.00, John Lewis

shop ladies winter pyjamas

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Prices & links correct at time of publication.

hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
hush supersoft onesie, midnight marl
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Women’s secret Snoopy mini waffle fairisle pyjama set
Weston soft onesie, grey marl
Weston soft onesie, grey marl

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