Price Points: Beeswax candles

Beeswax candles

When autumn comes around, our home slowly transforms; the chimneys have been swept, the range cooker and wood-burning stoves are being lit, and our little oil lamps are getting refilled. It’s the season when the days begin to get shorter and the darkness lasts longer.

It’s also the time of year that we like to get out the tea-lights and candles; the glow is so much more attractive and homely than is usually the case with electric bulbs. We have lots of bog-standard, plain white paraffin candles, but now that we’re running low, we want to buy some beeswax candles. They’re natural and hypoallergenic and apparently can improve air quality.

  1. Beeswax beehive candle: £4.00 or 3 for £10.00, Etsy
  2. 12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm: £14.99, eBay
  3. Twenty minute candles: £18.95

shop beeswax candles

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Prices & links correct at time of publication.

Twenty minute candles
Twenty minute candles
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
Beeswax beehive candle
Beeswax beehive candle
£4.00 or 3 for £10.00
Twenty minute candles
Twenty minute candles
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
Beeswax beehive candle
Beeswax beehive candle
£4.00 or 3 for £10.00
Twenty minute candles
Twenty minute candles
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
Beeswax beehive candle
Beeswax beehive candle
£4.00 or 3 for £10.00
Twenty minute candles
Twenty minute candles
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
Beeswax beehive candle
Beeswax beehive candle
£4.00 or 3 for £10.00
Twenty minute candles
Twenty minute candles
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
12 x 100% pure beeswax candles – 20cm x 2cm
Beeswax beehive candle
Beeswax beehive candle
£4.00 or 3 for £10.00

Etsy List: To Bee or not to Bee

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'To Bee or not to Bee' Etsy List from H is for HomeI saw my first bumble-bee of spring today!

Bees are so essential to life on earth. Apparently they are responsible for a whopping third of human food  supply is pollinated by them. Also, did you know that honey is the only foodstuff that doesn’t go off – even after centuries?! Bees are one of nature’s greatest heroes!

To Bee or not to Bee
curated by H is for Home