How security influences commercial premises design

How security influences commercial premises design

If you’re looking to spread your wings and move into your first office or larger developmental space, you may have just encountered the first real successful milestone of your business life. Once you’ve found a business premises that works for you, it’s important to consider some of the functional utilities to put in place, so that operations can get going.

So much of this is quite obvious on the surface, but does require your diligent consideration. In what orientation will you implement staff terminals, for example, as many of them may need multi-monitor setups to keep up with the complexity of their work?

Another vital consideration for any building design is that of security. Necessarily, your first priority will be to keep your people safe and to prevent those without verified access from entering your building. But you don’t want security to be so tight that it causes issues like impeded fire evacuation routes.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few useful steps you can take to implement security, without interfering with the general layout and design of your commercial premises.

Smartphone door access

It’s important to have certain doors that can be locked (or completely unlocked in the case of a fire emergency), while providing certain individuals verified access. That might involve a key card system that opens certain fire doors while also remaining seamless for people to come in and out every day. But instead of printing key cards, especially for just a small team, you may find that smartphone door access serves as a healthy middle ground. This way, you can easily update security keys, deliver them to guests as needed and provide the same level of security you’re in search of.

Work with receptionist duties

A receptionist is more than just an administrator, they can be an excellent first point of contact for anyone walking into your building. Receptionists shouldn’t have to provide actual physical security of course, but they can notify the wider team if a problem is found in the foyer, if a delivery seems to have no recipient or to guide verified clients to the right waiting space. A great receptionist can be the front-facing arm of your building, and hiring an especially talented one can be nothing but an asset for your business. This investment defines how you curate the foyer of your building.

A simple cloud-based security camera network

It’s easy to think of security cameras and imagine that you’re trying to prevent Tom Cruise from zip-lining down to steal your precious diamonds, but now they’re more inexpensive and easier to fit than ever. You may also have a network in place in the building; in which case, making sure you hook it up to your cloud server software can be essential. This way, you can refer to certain areas during the day, and make sure inaccessible areas aren’t breached, while also keeping people safe in the parking area and perimeter of your building, too. Such an approach allows for further security than you may have expected, for an affordable entrance fee. Moreover, with small black 360-degree recording implements, you don’t need ugly rectangular boxes flashing and beeping in every room.

With this advice, you’re certain to see how security influences commercial premises design.
