There’ll be many eyes- all around the world – focusing on London this week with the Royal Wedding happening on Friday…
…so ‘L’ just has to be for London!
We’ve gathered images of H is for Home shop stock items – past & present, that celebrate the capital city…
…famous landmarks, archetypal characters and classic scenes.
They’ve appeared on all kinds of products…
…lots of tins, pottery and book illustrations…
…and tea towels, posters and postcards.
We’d be tempted to have quite a collection if we were London dwellers!
We can’t resist a few pieces, even though we live out int’ sticks oop North.
We often see London-tastic products in the glossy interior magazines and websites – and we usually forget to bookmark them!
However, you’ll always find some good stuff at places like the London Transport Museum or V & A Museum web shops…
…and take a look at the “London Calling” Etsy Treasury that we’ve put together.
P.S. – Another special London event started last week – commemorating the original 1951 Festival of Britain.
We loaned a few items to Kiera Buckley-Jones from BBC Homes & Antiques Magazine. She has recreated rooms from the period. Read her blog series charting its development here. We’re hoping to take a little trip down south to see it before it finishes in September.