Cakes & Bakes: Sourdough crumpets

Home-made sourdough crumpets | H is for Home #recipe #sourdough #SourdoughSeptember

I’m staying with the Sourdough September theme again this week with these sourdough crumpets. I hate wasting food and I despair at throwing away half of my sourdough starter each time it needs refreshing. To that end, I went in search of recipes that use this ‘discard’ and found this one for sourdough crumpets.

Sourdough crumpets batter | H is for Home

Crumpets aren’t usually my thing; I find the shop-bought ones rubbery and tasteless. To be honest, I only made these because Justin loves crumpets… slathered in butter, of course!

Cooking sourdough crumpets on a griddle | H is for Home

There’s been a set of metal rings in my baking station for ages, and I’ve not known quite what they were originally used for. This recipe called for ‘crumpet rings‘ – something I’d never heard of before. A quick internet search later – low and behold – I think that’s what my rings are!

If you don’t own crumpet rings, use cookie cutters – just make sure you oil them well before using. Also, if you don’t have a griddle (I used my pizza steel), a cast iron frying pan will do the job fine.

Freshly cooked, home-made sourdough crumpets | H is for Home

I don’t mean to boast, but these were miles better than any I’ve eaten before. Perhaps it was because I ate them straight off the griddle. They were lovely and soft and chewy without being rubbery – and the sourdough gave them a delicious depth of flavour. Crumpets have won me over!

Click here to save the recipe to Pinterest for later.

Sourdough crumpets
Yields 8
Cook Time
8 min
Cook Time
8 min
  1. 270g/9½oz sourdough starter
  2. 1tbsp runny honey
  3. ½tsp salt
  4. ½tsp bicarbonate of sodaHome-made sourdough crumpets ingredients
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Mix together the starter, honey and salt then allow the starter to start bubbling
  2. Rub your griddle and crumpet rings with a little vegetable oil, then place over a medium heat
  3. Stir in the bicarbonate of soda into the batter. It should start bubbling
  4. Once the rings are hot, pour the batter into them, leaving a ½cm gap at the top to allow for rising
  5. When the edges are cooked (about 5 minutes), remove the crumpets from the rings and flip them over and cook for a further 3 minutes. Repeat the process until all the remaining batter has been used up
Adapted from Hobbs House Bakery
H is for Home Harbinger