M is for… Milk

"M is for... Milk" blog post banner

detail from a vintage 1950s red polka dot pottery jug

This vintage polka dot milk jug is a recent addition to our webshop.

vintage 1950s red polka dot pottery jug

Produced by Price Bros, it really is a fabulous bit of 1950s pottery… and just has to beat using a plastic milk carton!

vintage metal crate with vintage milk bottles

It got us thinking about other milky marvels we could rustle up.

vintage metal carrier with vintage milk bottles

Turns out we had quite a few pieces to share – from storage vessels like old bottles & crates to advertising items such as this teatowel.

detail from a vintage milk bottle tea towel vintage milk bottle tea towel

BBC Homes & Antiques Magazine ran a big feature on milk-related collectables this month… referred to as dairyana these days.

page from an article about dairyana in the June 2011 edition of the BBC Homes & Antiques Magazine

article about dairyana in the June 2011 edition of the BBC Homes & Antiques Magazine

page from an article about dairyana in the June 2011 edition of the BBC Homes & Antiques Magazine

Dairyana incorporates butter & cheese items too – so there are various utensils, stools, buckets, bowls, churns and moulds to consider.

vintage aluminium milk churn

Lots of lovely treen, enamel, metalware and pottery.

pair of antique copper cream pots

vintage Arabia jug with cow design detail from a vintage Arabia jug with cow design

Items have many practical uses which add to the appeal of collecting.

mosaic of images of vintage milk bottles

We like few pieces dotted around the kitchen. It adds a bit of vintage character & warmth. Some items we use as originally intended such as jugs – others can be repurposed like vintage milk bottles for displaying fresh cut flowers.

set of three vintage milk glasses in original packaging

So, raise a glass to dairyana… a milk glass of course!