We’ve had an exciting & hectic week here at H is for Home headquarters! It was a very nerve racking experience going live last Friday – like throwing a party and anxiously waiting to see if any of your guests turn up!
Fortunately we’ve had lots of visits and a fair few orders coming in.
With the parcels going out, we’ve become very familiar faces at our local post office.
We’d really like to thank all our fellow bloggers who’ve featured us in their blogs this week- they’ve really helped to get word out across the inter-web! Special mention goes out to decor8, Bloesem, Ninainvorm, desire to inspire, pixiegenne, What’s blogging my view, Tinkering Times and janeq – you can see all the others on our ‘about us‘ page.
We’d also like to thank everyone for getting in touch with their kind words of support, advice and compliments- they’ve all been much appreciated.
Today’s images are some of the things that have sold since we launched. There’ll be new stuff being added to the shop stock each week.