Price Points: Dog boots

Selection of dog boots | H is for Home

We may have mentioned in the past that our Weimaraner, Fudge in his old age is beginning to suffer with his hips. He now has trouble going up & down stairs and needs to be carried over stiles when we go walking in the hills.

One of the other symptoms is that he drags one of his rear paws as he walks; so much so that he has worn his toenails down to the quick. We’ve bought him some dog boots (#2 above) which should allow his nails to slowly regrow.

They’re also good for allowing cuts on paw pads time to heal – and indeed, to prevent injury in the first place if walking terrain is likely to be jagged, rough or strewn with sharp objects.

  1. Alcott Botas Explorer Adventure: £21.15
  2. Ruffwear Grip Trex boots for dogs, 3-inch, Granite gray: £32.54
  3. Grip Trex dog boots – obsidian black: £79.95

Fudge has been collared!

'Fudge has been collared!' blog post banner

orange dog collar and lead

We received a surprise cheque in the post last week. Not a lottery style win or anything, but a couple of hundred pounds that we weren’t expecting. So, only one thing for it – ‘save half, spend half!’. Adelle got a pair of new shoes, Justin needs some new jeans – and Fudge got a lovely new collar & lead set.

tissue-wrapped collar and lead with complimentary dog treat

They were ordered from Suzy Q based in Hove. Not on the High Street give 5% of the sale price to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home. Lovely attention to detail in the packaging – nice tissue paper wrapping, pretty labels and a dog treat!

personalised, engraved collar

The collars are very well made – and customised too which is included in the price. Just one word of caution – if you have a dog that pulls very hard, we have known this type of clip-in fastening to pop open suddenly. This might be an issue if your dog has an aggressive streak, runs into busy roads or heads off into the hills as soon as it gets chance!

Fudge sporting his new, orange matching collar and lead

We went for the vibrant orange – he might be ten years old, but Fudge still likes to turn heads. You can almost hear him saying, “Don’t I look handsome… not bad for an old man”. The George Clooney of the canine world!

Cakes & Bakes: Peanut butter & banana dog treats

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Home-made peanut butter & banana dog bones | H is for Home #recipe #dogtreats

We must have published at least 100 Cakes & Bakes recipes. This is the first one that’s specifically for our canine friends. Peanut butter & banana dog treats are Fudge’s idea of heaven. They contains all the things he loves the most; egg, honey, peanut butter and bananas.

He hung around the kitchen the whole time I was making these – it must have been the smell of the bananas and the peanut butter. Torture when you’ve got a dog’s super-sensitive nose!

Fudge paying close attention to me making peanut butter banana dog treats

He must have known they were for him – “Are they nearly ready yet?” he was thinking!

Fudge sitting and waiting to be given one of his peanut butter banana dog treats

It was worth his wait. He sat to attention putting on his best behaviour as the treats were unveiled.

Fudge eating one of his peanut butter banana dog treats

….and then the first taste. Wow! Things will never be the same in his little doggy world ever again!

Peanut butter & banana dog treats

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 75 g peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp runny honey
  • 1 large egg
  • 225 g rolled oats
  • 40 g wholemeal flour


  • Preheat the oven to 175ºC/350°F
  • Mash the banana with a fork until smooth
  • Mix in the peanut butter, honey and egg
  • Add the oats and flour and stir until well combined
  • Drop the dough (I moulded them into bone shapes using a cookie cutter) onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment/greaseproof paper
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until just turning brown
Keyword bananas, dog treats

Cakes & Bakes: Peanut butter chocolate fudge

'Cakes & Bakes' blog post banner

Home-made peanut butter chocolate fudge | H is for Home #recipe #fudge

This isn’t a regular fudge recipe – there’s no need for a thermometer, no need for all that arm-aching stirring. This peanut butter chocolate fudge recipe takes 20 minutes to make… tops! Because of the high butter content (let’s not even mention the sugar content!), this fudge is best kept in the fridge.

It’s sweet, smooth, buttery and very, very naughty! It made two big jarfuls and there wasn’t enough room in there for that last piece – oh well, I guess I’ll just have to eat it then!

Click here for more of our other peanut recipes!

Home-made peanut butter chocolate fudge | H is for Home #recipe #fudge

Peanut butter chocolate fudge

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 16 minutes


  • 250 g peanut butter creamy or crunchy depending on your preference
  • 250 g butter cubed
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 450 g sifted icing sugar
  • 100 g roughly chopped dark chocolate or chocolate chips


  • Line a 22cm/8inch square cake tin with parchment/greaseproof paper
  • Put the peanut butter and cubed butter into a large microwave-proof bowl and cook on high for 30 seconds
  • Stir the mixture and microwave again for another 30 seconds
  • Stir in the vanilla extract and chocolate before adding the icing sugar. The consistency should resemble cookie dough
  • Using a spatula, put the mix into the lined cake tin pressing it down to level it out. Use the back of a spoon if needed
  • Cover the tin with cling film or foil and refrigerate for at least 4 hours
  • Remove from the tin and slice into squares. Keep refrigerated in an airtight container