On our radar: Henry Quick Pet cordless vacuum cleaner

Henry 'Quick Pet' cordless vacuum cleaner

We’re the proud owners of a couple of Henry vacuum cleaners; one for regular, run-of-the-mill cleaning jobs (the pet-fur-busting green Harry) and an old, 2nd hand one for very filthy jobs (the regular red Henry) such as removing the ash from our wood-burners and range cooker.

Just this week, I’ve discovered that Numatic have launched a Henry Quick Pet cordless vacuum cleaner. I’d expect it gives the same reliable, workhorse performance, but in miniature form. It would be the perfect tool for cleaning our upstairs bedrooms. I say ‘upstairs’, but what I really mean is ‘upsteps’. In our cottage, we have narrow wooden ladders leading up to the loft rooms. It’s a struggle manoeuvring the heavy, bulky Harry up & down through the small opening in the ceiling/floor.

Carrying the Henry Quick Pet cordless vacuum (which weighs just over 3kg) would be a cinch in comparison – and it would mean that the job of vacuuming would get done more often too!

Wednesday Wish: Numatic vacuum cleaner

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Collection of different models of Numatic vacuum cleaners

It’s never easy keeping our home clean, we’re constantly in & out – coming through the door with muddy boots & paws. We’ve been trying extra hard to keep our new wooden floors… well… new-looking!

We currently have two vacs – an orange Hoover from the 1960s/70s which blows more dust than it picks up and another bagless one with little suction that needs constant emptying – they make an unenjoyable job even worse!

What I’d really like is a Numatic vacuum cleaner. There’s a whole family of them to choose from – each with a different specialism. Red Henry is the most famous but I think I’m going for Harry. He’s specially designed for ‘pet loving’ people – a euphemism, I think, for homes that may have pet hair & odour issues! 😉