We bought a huge pile of vintage Ladybird books this week. They’re fabulous little books, designed to educate & entertain children of all ages.

We really enjoyed having a browse through them all. Having grown up with them it’s been a very nostalgic trip. They cover an amazing variety of subjects…

…science & nature…

…careers & occupations…

…fairy tales etc, etc, etc.

The wonderful illustrations have a distinctive ‘Ladybird’ look, despite being produced by a variety of artists.

Names such as John Berry, Roland Green and C F Tunnicliffe to name but three.

It’s not surprising that there’s a keen collectors’ market amongst adults too.
For more things Ladybird check out these websites:
The Wee Web
Vintage Ladybird
Official Ladybird website
Easy on the Eye
Fly Away Home
We’ve added the books to other items of stock that we’re accumulating for a new section on our website.

It’s going to be called Child’s Play, and as the name suggests, it will consist of lots of children’s vintage items.

In addition to books, there’ll be vintage toys & games…

…money boxes & tins…

…and bits & pieces to decorate nurseries, play rooms & bedrooms.

We should have gathered enough stuff to add the new section in the autumn – so watch this space!