Christmas is over for another year, and it’s almost 2022. The clearing away has commenced and, as always, there’s a surplus of ‘stuff’. What do you do with those unwanted Christmas presents? The duplicate copies of books and the clothes & shoes that aren’t to your taste. Well, we’ve looked into it and have found that there are charities that would be over the moon to receive your cast offs.
If you received lots of Christmas cards in the post, before you dispose the envelope into the paper recycling, carefully tear or snip off the stamp. There are lots of charity organisations that accept them as they can sell them on in bulk.
A couple of years ago, Justin’s mum hinted to the family that she’d like to read Bill Bryson’s recently published book, The Body. On Christmas day, of course, she received multiple copies! Book Aid International accept brand new books (not used) which they then pass on to community libraries, schools, refugee camps, prisons and the like in Africa and elsewhere. They are particularly interested in children’s books, vocational, technical & professional text books and African interest books.
Along with toiletries, shoes and clothes are some of the most ‘unwanted’ presents to be received. You can ‘re-gift’ them with a clear conscience by passing them on to a deserving charity. The Air Ambulance Service accept (clean) clothes, shoes, towels, bedding and curtains. You can either drop them off to one of their reuse banks or, if there isn’t one near you, you can post them to them for free.
- Used stamps
- Unwanted books
- Unwanted clothes
what to do with unwanted Christmas presents
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