Why you should try batch cooking if you’re new to the kitchen

Why you should try batch cooking if you're new to the kitchen

Since lockdown began back in March, we’ve had to make some adjustments to the way we live. No longer can we simply head to our favourite restaurant on a weekend. Popping to the corner shop for a pint of milk (and a chocolate bar) is now frowned upon, and the weekly shop has become the highlight of our social outings – we may even get dressed up for the occasion.

But one thing to emerge from this global pandemic, is our resurgence for home-cooked food. And if you’re new to the kitchen and the world of cooking, it appears the best way to achieve – perhaps not gourmet standard meals – but at least edible ones are through batch cooking. A recent study carried out by Hammonds found that a whopping 70% of us have started batch cooking during lockdown, and with so many benefits, it’s easy to see why.

Rotten fruit

The benefits of batch cooking

Whilst we’re all spending a bit more time at home, batch cooking is great for those days when you’re too busy to cook a whole meal from scratch, but still need something substantial. Instead of ordering a take-away, heading to the nearest corner shop, or just cooking pasta, with batch cooking you know you have a meal ready and waiting in the freezer, and all you need to do is heat it up.

Cooking in bulk also means you’ll reduce your food waste, with nearly 50% of people finding that when they batch cook, they throw away less food. And with reports suggesting by 2030 food waste could equate to 2.1bn tonnes, now more than ever is the time we should start thinking about our environmental impact.

If saving the planet isn’t enough of an incentive to try your hand at batch cooking, it’s also wallet friendly too. Because you’re buying ingredients and using them straight-away and then freezing, you won’t have to throw away excess only to replace it the next time you make that meal. As we start to emerge from lockdown, this money-saving habit will help with the impact of the recession.

Spaghetti on a fork

Batch cooking favourites

Batch cooking is a great way to build up your confidence in the kitchen, with recipes such as curry, spaghetti bolognese, stew and chilli all ranking as firm favourites. These meals are all easy to make and contain many of the same ingredients – ensuring your food waste is even lower.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you could try your hand at batch cooking desserts. With only 15% opting to batch cook home-made fruit crumble, now could be the perfect time for you to perfect your dinner party sweets.

With a little preparation you could be a batch cook pro in no time. Put aside 20 minutes before your weekly shop to plan your meals, check your kitchen cupboards for ingredients and write your list. Spend the afternoon cooking up a storm, divide the meals into portions, and you’re set for the week!

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