![Food and drink ideas for a mixture of guests Food and drink ideas for a mixture of guests]()
One of the hardest things about hosting a dinner for someone you don’t know well is deciding what to serve. It’s hard because different people might have a range of food allergies, dietary restrictions and taste preferences.
It’s time-consuming to do your research ahead of time when you’re trying to make last-minute dinner arrangements! Plus, it can be awkward if one loves vegetables and another hates them, or one prefers a Non-Alcoholic Rose for their drink and someone else insists on a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. That’s why we’ve put together this post with some food and drink ideas you could serve when you have mixed company over for dinner.
Some of these dishes we’ve listed can be cooked in advance, so if you’re not the best cook, then you can leave it in the hands of your other half to prepare some of the food. If you go down this route, it may pay to have a few things available for people to nibble on while they’re waiting for dinner – crostini with pesto or hummus is perfect for this.
Some of the recipes are for dishes that don’t need to be cooked; but also, feel free to prepare others ahead of time.
1. Roast chicken and vegetables
Roast chicken and vegetables can be made in advance. You can even make them throughout the day, reserving the leftover cooking liquid to use in a soup or stew the following evening. Remove any skin or bones and cut them into pieces before serving. This, paired with a good wine, makes a delicious meal to serve your guests.
2. Garlic bread
This is a simple, easy dish to make for any meal, but it also lends itself well to being prepared in advance. You can put your bread under the grill with some olive oil and garlic cloves, or if you’re feeling super fancy, you can use a special garlic bread recipe!
3. Roasted garlic and herb potatoes
These potatoes are great as a side dish, or you can keep them on hand to pop in the oven and make mashed potatoes. You can also use them as a base for a quick soup! If you don’t want to be bothered with cooking the potatoes, you can buy pre-cooked ‘ready roasted’ ones at most supermarkets.
4. Brown rice and mung bean curry
This dish can be cooked in advance, so if you’re trying to keep things simple and have limited cooking time, this is a good choice. It’s also hearty enough to be served as a main course without being too heavy. You can even prepare it in advance, meaning you don’t have to worry about it while your other half is cooking the main course!
5. Feta and spinach strudel
This is an enjoyable dish to make as you can use different types of pastry. I’ve also seen versions that use filo pastry or tortillas. Make sure you cover it with something to stop the pastry from becoming soggy. I recommend tin foil or parchment paper. You can make this ahead of time, but you may have to reheat it in the oven before serving.
Some of the drinks you can serve with these:
a. Lemonade
Lemonade is an easy drink to make ahead of time, and you can use any fruit you like in it. It’s also an excellent drink for kids to make because it’s easy to prepare and tastes delicious!
b. Minted water
This is a refreshing and healthy drink that’s a nice alternative to plain water! Plus, it’s an easy recipe to make ahead of time, so there’s no need to worry about cooking water or waiting for the kettle.
c. Chai-spiced iced coffee
If you’re a fan of chai tea, this is a simple recipe for making it at home. You just need to make up your chai tea in advance and when you’re ready to serve it, just add the ice cubes!
d. Apple cider
This is another drink that can be prepared in advance. You can buy cider (or apple juice) in bottles or cartons, and once you’ve opened it, you’re good to go. You can also add spices such as cinnamon or vanilla extract to flavour it.
e. Rosewater water
This is a wonderful drink for hot summer days! It’s also lovely served with a slice of pomegranate in the warmer months – the rosewater and fruit go well together.
There are lots of different things you can serve in different combinations for a mixed company dinner. And all you have to do is make sure that your food is sufficiently warmed if you’re serving it as finger food!