Some forthcoming attractions for mid August – these vintage homewares are all of a similar, mid 20th century vintage.

We’ll start with a bolt of unused vintage Draylon fabric – unmistakably from the 60s/70s era

It has a bold repeating pattern in burnt orange & white. Perfect for upholstery, curtains, cushions, lampshades etc.

This is a lovely footstool with its two tone red vinyl seat and tapered wooden legs.

It would sit very nicely in any self-respecting mid century modern pad.

We’ve had a few of these lamps in various colours – green, brown or caramel like this one. A drum shaped teak or Hessian shade would be just the thing to finish it off.

This is just a simple little kettle, but we love its brightly coloured painted metalware – just the thing for the vintage camper.

Onto a notable designer next – namely Robert Welch. He designed this stainless steel & teak hors d’eouvres set for Old Hall in the 1960s. This was just one of many pieces he designed for the company – the Alveston tea set being a sought after classic.

We’re probably just in the 1950s for this storage jar with its lovely polka dot design in red & white. It was made by Kirkham Pottery and has a real vintage tea party or kitchenette feel.

And finally, a real stunner of a clock. There are lots of mid 20th century inspired & reproduction starburst clocks on the market, but this is one of the true originals. It has teak & brass coloured rays and was produced by Metamec. It’s in excellent condition and is still ticking away nicely after 50 years or so.