Forthcoming Attractions: Late January 2017

Vintage Rolf Froyland Vikings plaque | H is for Home

We mentioned in yesterday’s post that, due to unforeseen circumstances, we’d not listed as many items as usual on our H is for Home website recently. It takes much more time to put things online than straight into our bricks & mortar shop space – and time has been in short supply of late.

However, the fightback has started! Here’s a selection of vintage goodies that we’ve photographed and listed today.

Vintage child's tin globe | H is for Home Red vintage Rhythm pedestal alarm clock | H is for Home
Vintage teak shelves | H is for Home Vintage Veb Haldensleben Eest German vase | H is for Home

We really do like to spread pieces between physical and internet worlds – and with a bit more time available now hopefully, there should be much more to follow in the coming days and weeks!

F is for… Figgjo

'F is for... Figgjo' blog post banner

vintage Figgjo Flint milk and sugar set

Figgjo Flint is a Norwegian pottery company still producing today.

detail of pattern on vintage milk and sugar set

Our favourites of theirs are the folk art and landscape-inspired designs of the 1950s & 60s – ranges such as Lotte, Daisy, Sicilia and Market.

vintage Figgjo Turi egg cup vintage Figgjo Turi plate detail
Tor Viking
pattern egg cup and plate border detail

They incorporated mythical creatures, whimsical figures and stylised flowers.

vintage Figgo Flint 'Sicilia' folk decorated plate vintage Figgo Flint 'Sicilia' folk decorated plates
pattern plates

The motifs were used to decorate tableware, kitchen equipment and decorative objects such as bowls and wall plaques.

vintage Fijjo pottery saucepan vintage Fijjo pottery saucepan
Pair of pottery sauce/milk pans

vintage Figgjo wall plaque featuring Vikings by Rolf FrøylandDetail of wall plaque designed by Rolf Frøyland

vintage 'Daisy' tray by Figgjo Flint vintage 'Berry' butter dish by Figgjo Flint
pattern tray (left) Berry and leaf patterned butter dish (right)

Various mergers have taken place under the Figgjo umbrella, significant amongst these was with Stavangerflint in 1968.

vintage Stavangerflint 'June' coffee setStavangerflint June coffee set

For more of a detailed history visit the Figgjo AS website.

Lots of our Flickr friends have lovely examples of this distinctive pottery. Have a look at them here.