Forthcoming Attractions: Late January 2017

Vintage Rolf Froyland Vikings plaque | H is for Home

We mentioned in yesterday’s post that, due to unforeseen circumstances, we’d not listed as many items as usual on our H is for Home website recently. It takes much more time to put things online than straight into our bricks & mortar shop space – and time has been in short supply of late.

However, the fightback has started! Here’s a selection of vintage goodies that we’ve photographed and listed today.

Vintage child's tin globe | H is for Home Red vintage Rhythm pedestal alarm clock | H is for Home
Vintage teak shelves | H is for Home Vintage Veb Haldensleben Eest German vase | H is for Home

We really do like to spread pieces between physical and internet worlds – and with a bit more time available now hopefully, there should be much more to follow in the coming days and weeks!