How security influences commercial premises design

How security influences commercial premises design

If you’re looking to spread your wings and move into your first office or larger developmental space, you may have just encountered the first real successful milestone of your business life. Once you’ve found a business premises that works for you, it’s important to consider some of the functional utilities to put in place, so that operations can get going.

So much of this is quite obvious on the surface, but does require your diligent consideration. In what orientation will you implement staff terminals, for example, as many of them may need multi-monitor setups to keep up with the complexity of their work?

Another vital consideration for any building design is that of security. Necessarily, your first priority will be to keep your people safe and to prevent those without verified access from entering your building. But you don’t want security to be so tight that it causes issues like impeded fire evacuation routes.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few useful steps you can take to implement security, without interfering with the general layout and design of your commercial premises.

Smartphone door access

It’s important to have certain doors that can be locked (or completely unlocked in the case of a fire emergency), while providing certain individuals verified access. That might involve a key card system that opens certain fire doors while also remaining seamless for people to come in and out every day. But instead of printing key cards, especially for just a small team, you may find that smartphone door access serves as a healthy middle ground. This way, you can easily update security keys, deliver them to guests as needed and provide the same level of security you’re in search of.

Work with receptionist duties

A receptionist is more than just an administrator, they can be an excellent first point of contact for anyone walking into your building. Receptionists shouldn’t have to provide actual physical security of course, but they can notify the wider team if a problem is found in the foyer, if a delivery seems to have no recipient or to guide verified clients to the right waiting space. A great receptionist can be the front-facing arm of your building, and hiring an especially talented one can be nothing but an asset for your business. This investment defines how you curate the foyer of your building.

A simple cloud-based security camera network

It’s easy to think of security cameras and imagine that you’re trying to prevent Tom Cruise from zip-lining down to steal your precious diamonds, but now they’re more inexpensive and easier to fit than ever. You may also have a network in place in the building; in which case, making sure you hook it up to your cloud server software can be essential. This way, you can refer to certain areas during the day, and make sure inaccessible areas aren’t breached, while also keeping people safe in the parking area and perimeter of your building, too. Such an approach allows for further security than you may have expected, for an affordable entrance fee. Moreover, with small black 360-degree recording implements, you don’t need ugly rectangular boxes flashing and beeping in every room.

With this advice, you’re certain to see how security influences commercial premises design.


Vintage locks: The importance of maintenance for longevity

Vintage locks: The importance of maintenance for longevity

Vintage locks are a fascinating piece of history; they’ve been used for centuries to keep people’s belongings safe. These locks were often created by hand and feature intricate designs that are a testament to the skill of the craftsmen who made them. Despite their age, many vintage locks are still in use today and can be found in antique shops, museums, and private collections.

However, like any mechanical device, vintage locks require regular maintenance to keep them functioning properly. Over time, the metal components can become corroded, the springs can weaken and the lock may become difficult to open or close. This is why it’s important for owners of vintage locks to understand the importance of maintenance and take the necessary steps to keep their locks in good condition.

Why maintenance is important

Vintage locks are a great addition to any home or business, but they require proper maintenance to ensure their longevity. Neglecting maintenance can result in rust, corrosion,and other issues that can affect the lock’s functionality. Here are two reasons why maintenance is important.

Preventing rust and corrosion

Rust and corrosion are the biggest enemies of vintage locks. They can cause the lock to become stiff, making it difficult or impossible to open. To prevent rust and corrosion, it’s important to keep the lock clean and dry. Regularly wiping down the lock with a dry cloth can help remove any moisture that may have accumulated on the lock. Additionally, applying a thin layer of oil to the lock can help prevent rust and keep the lock functioning smoothly.

Ensuring proper functionality

Proper maintenance is essential to ensuring that a vintage lock functions properly. Over time, the lock’s internal components can become worn or damaged, which can affect its ability to lock and unlock. Regular maintenance can help identify and address these issues before they become major problems. It’s important to have a professional locksmith inspect the lock periodically to ensure that it’s functioning properly.

Overall, proper maintenance is essential to ensuring the longevity and functionality of vintage locks. By preventing rust and corrosion and ensuring proper functionality, owners can enjoy their locks for years to come.

Common issues with vintage locks

Despite their durability and longevity, vintage locks can experience a number of issues that can compromise their security and functionality. Here are two common issues of which owners of vintage locks should be aware.

Lock jamming

One of the most common issues with vintage locks is jamming. This can occur when the lock mechanism becomes clogged with dirt, dust or debris or when the lock is not properly lubricated. Lock jamming can also be caused by a bent key, a misaligned lock mechanism or a damaged locking mechanism.

To prevent lock jamming, owners of vintage locks should make sure that their locks are regularly cleaned and lubricated. They should also avoid using excessive force when turning the key, as this can cause the lock mechanism to become misaligned or damaged. If a lock becomes jammed, owners should avoid trying to force the lock open, as this can cause further damage. Instead, they should contact a professional locksmith to repair the lock.

Key breakage

Another common issue with vintage locks is key breakage. This can occur when the key is old and worn or when it’s made from a brittle material such as cast iron. Key breakage can also be caused by a misaligned or damaged locking mechanism.

To prevent key breakage, owners of vintage locks should make sure that their keys are not worn or damaged. They should also avoid using excessive force when turning the key, as this can cause the key to break. If a key does break off in a lock, owners should avoid trying to remove it themselves, as this can cause further damage. Instead, they should contact a professional locksmith to remove the broken key and repair the lock.

Maintenance techniques for vintage locks

Cleaning and lubrication

Regular cleaning and lubrication are crucial to maintaining the health of vintage locks. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate in the lock, causing it to jam or become difficult to operate. To clean a vintage lock, use a soft-bristled brush to remove any visible debris. Then, apply a small amount of lubricant to the key and insert it into the lock. Turn the key back and forth to distribute the lubricant throughout the lock.

It’s important to note that not all lubricants are created equal. Avoid using WD-40 or other spray lubricants, as these can attract dust and dirt and cause more harm than good. Instead, opt for a graphite-based lubricant, which is specifically designed for use in locks.

Replacing worn parts

If a vintage lock is not functioning properly, it may be necessary to replace some of its parts. This is particularly true for locks that are missing keys or have broken springs or pins. In some cases, it may be possible to find replacement parts online or at a local hardware store. However, for more rare or obscure locks, it may be necessary to have the parts custom-made by a professional locksmith.

When replacing parts in a vintage lock, it’s important to be gentle and patient. Vintage locks can be delicate, and it’s easy to cause further damage if too much force is applied. Take your time, and if you’re unsure about how to proceed, consider consulting a professional locksmith.

Choosing the right locksmith for maintenance

When it comes to maintaining vintage locks, it’s important to choose the right locksmith for the job. Not all locksmiths have the necessary experience, expertise, tools and equipment to work on antique locks. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a locksmith for your vintage lock maintenance needs.

Experience and expertise

When looking for a locksmith to maintain your vintage lock, it’s important to choose one with experience and expertise in working with antique locks. A locksmith who has experience working with modern locks may not be familiar with the intricacies of vintage locks. Look for a locksmith who specialises in antique locks and has a track record of successfully maintaining them.

It’s also important to choose a locksmith who has expertise in the specific type of vintage lock you have. Different types of vintage locks require different maintenance techniques, so it’s important to choose a locksmith who knows how to work on your specific lock.

Tools and equipment

Another factor to consider when choosing a locksmith for your vintage lock maintenance needs is the tools and equipment they have. Vintage locks require specialised tools and equipment to maintain properly. Look for a locksmith who has the necessary tools and equipment to work on your specific type of vintage lock.

It’s also important to choose a locksmith who uses high-quality tools and equipment. Low-quality tools and equipment can damage your vintage lock, so it’s important to choose a locksmith who invests in high-quality tools and equipment.

Overall, choosing the right locksmith for your vintage lock maintenance needs is crucial to ensuring the longevity and proper functioning of your lock. Consider their experience, expertise, tools and equipment when making your decision.


Overall, vintage locks are a valuable and important part of history. They provide us with insight into the past and the evolution of security technology. However, it’s vital to remember that these locks require proper maintenance in order to function effectively.

Regular cleaning and lubrication can prevent rust and corrosion which can lead to lock failure. Additionally, proper storage and handling can prevent damage to the lock’s internal components.

By taking the time to properly maintain vintage locks, we can ensure that they continue to function for years to come. Whether you’re a collector or simply interested in the history of security technology, vintage locks are a fascinating and valuable piece of our past.


Strengthen the shield of safety around your household

Strengthen the shield of safety around your household

Every family wants to feel safe and secure in their own home. But, unfortunately, the world we live in today isn’t as secure as it used to be. From natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes to man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks and cyber-crime, families must have a plan in place to protect themselves from any potential danger. Here are some useful tips on how you can strengthen the shield of safety around your household and keep your family safe.

Practice fire safety

In case of a fire emergency, practice an escape plan with your family, so everyone knows what to do. Install smoke detectors throughout the house and ensure they’re always properly functioning. Have a working fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location in the house and ensure that everyone is trained to use it. Ensure your family knows the phone number of their local fire station and knows any relevant emergency numbers they may need in the event of a fire.

Secure your home against intruders

Install security cameras to monitor your home and property. Make sure all external doors are fitted with strong deadbolts or security screens. Motion-activated security spotlights can also help deter would-be intruders and alert you to any activity on your property. Ensure that all house windows are secure and that any exterior lights near entry points are working properly at night so potential intruders cannot hide in the shadows.

Prepare for natural disasters

It’s important to be prepared for natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. Have a plan outlining what steps should be taken if an emergency arises. Put together a disaster supply kit with enough food, water and medical supplies to last your family at least three days. Make sure you know where safe zones in your area are located and that you have a communication plan, so everyone knows how to stay in touch if separated during an emergency.

Be aware of cyber-crime

The internet can be used for good, but it can also be used for bad. Cyber-crime has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, and families need to take precautions to protect themselves from potential risks online. Install anti-virus software on all computers and ensure they are up-to-date with the latest security patches. Teach your children about the dangers of giving out personal information online, such as passwords, pin numbers or credit card details and make sure they understand the importance of being aware with whom they are communicating.

These are just a few steps families can take to help fortify their safety and security. Being prepared is the key to protecting yourself and your loved ones in times of danger, so make sure you’ve taken all necessary precautions to ensure your family remains safe and secure. By following these tips, you can provide peace of mind knowing that you’ve done everything possible to create a shield of safety to keep your home and family safe from harm.


Signs that your home is not as safe as it could be

Signs that your home is not as safe as it could be

If you’re concerned that your home is not as safe or as secure as it could be, then you’re not alone. Many people are in the same situation, but there are many things that you can do to try to improve the situation. Instead of installing new security measures, it’s helpful for you to address the security flaws that you have right now, to ensure that you’re not compromising your and your family’s safety.

A hidden spare key

If you have a spare key under the doormat or underneath a plant pot outside then this may sound like a good idea, especially if you lose your keys or find that you have a bit of an emergency situation on your hands. If you have a spare key outside then you may find that burglars have free access to your home and this is the last thing you need. You may think that your key is very hidden too, but experienced burglars tend to know all of the possible places where a home-owner may end up hiding their key, and if you aren’t careful, you could end up handing them your possessions. Your home insurance probably won’t cover you for things like this either, so be mindful of this and make sure that you’re not compromising your home’s safety through not being aware of how obvious your spare key location is.

No alarm

Alarm systems are usually visible at the front of a house, and this alone can be a great deterrent to criminals. If you want to further safeguard your home, then you should invest in a wireless burglar alarm. If you do this, you’ll discover that it can lower your home insurance premiums and lessens the chance of your property being targeted by burglars.

Second entryways

Do you have a second entry point to your home? If the answer is yes, then you remember to close and secure it whenever you go out. When you exit your home, you may automatically think about locking your front door, but you need to remember that your back door provides just as much access. Criminals can easily gain entry to your home through an unlocked back door when you’re out, not to mention that it gives them more privacy too. If you want to do something about this, then make sure that you lock the back door before you leave the house. If you can do this, then you’ll find that things end up working in your favour, and that your home is more secure as a result.

Signs your home is unoccupied

Your house may sometimes be unoccupied for long periods of time, such as if you go on holiday for a week or two. On such occasions, you should make sure that it’s not too obvious. The signs of a vacant home can often be obvious, and if this is the case with your property, then you have to make sure that you take steps to avoid this. It may be that you have a ton of junk mail piling up outside the front door. Lights off in the evening can also be a sign that you’re away from home, so you need to be proactive. Pause your postal subscriptions if you know that you’re going to be away when they’re to be delivered and put a couple of lamps on an automatic timer so that they come on at dusk and off again at dawn each day.

Poorly lit areas

Do you have any outdoor lighting on your property? Are your front and rear entrances properly illuminated? If not, then this can provide an opportunity for criminals to try to enter under the cloak of darkness.

If you want to secure your home, then you need to make sure that you are not making it an easy target for criminals to break and enter.
