Ways to make your home more sustainable (without much effort)

Ways to make your home more sustainable (without much effort)

Sustainability has become a hot topic more and more in recent years; it’s easy to see why. It helps the planet, and it can even be a lot better for people than they realise. Perhaps you want to up your eco-efforts by trying to make your home more sustainable.

Many people assume doing more for the environment takes a lot of time, effort and sacrifice. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, though. Just focus on a few thoughtfully chosen areas. Once you do, you’ll have a more sustainable home than you did previously.

Invest in air sealing

You would’ve already heard of insulating your home, but you may have overlooked air sealing. This helps to avoid any heat escaping through the roof of your house. In turn, that cuts down on the amount of time you need the heating on. This then prevents you from harming the environment through excessive energy use.

Make water consumption sustainable

The amount of water you use affects the environment. It’s always worth cutting down on your consumption as much as you can to avoid any waste. Take showers instead of deep baths and take shorter showers than you do already. This isn’t the only way you can make your water consumption more sustainable. You could also consider water borehole drilling to have your own well, cutting out the need to have it piped in. Additionally, you could install water butts around your garden to collect rainwater for use on your beds and borders.

Install solar panels

Solar panels are one of the more obvious ways to make your home more sustainable. There’s a reason why so many people go for them. It reduces your reliance on fossil fuels, which harm the environment. While installing them could be relatively expensive, you’ll save more than enough on your energy bills to make it worthwhile in the long-term.

Pick high-performance windows

A great deal of heat can be lost through your windows, forcing you to put the heating on more often and for longer periods. This is terrible for the environment, which is why it’s always an issue worth addressing. Investing in high-performance windows, like double-glazed windows, can be more than worth it. It prevents most of the heat from getting out, so you don’t needlessly waste energy on heating.

Choose eco-paint

Painting your home is always a great way to make it more attractive, but this has more of an impact on the environment than you’d think. The paint itself could harm the environment long-term. Thankfully, there are ways around this. Eco-paints don’t have nearly as much of a negative impact on the environment, making it worth switching to them. They’ll even look the same as traditional paint.

Trying to make your home more sustainable is always a great step to take. Sadly, many people assume it’ll take quite a bit of time and effort. While there’s always a process to this, it doesn’t need to be as complicated as you’d imagine.

By focusing on a few particular areas, you could end up having a more sustainable home without needing to put a lot of time and effort into it. You’ve no reason not to focus on them.
